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  • Your Healthy Vision Timeline: Ages 40–60

    Our practice goal is to help our patients see their very best, at any age. Today, we’re continuing our series on age-specific eye health concerns. Middle age is often when people start to notice a difference in their vision.

    Continue Reading January 7, 2015

  • How Optical Illusions Work

    It’s actually quite amazing how easily our eyes and brain can be tricked! We see things that aren’t there, see completely stable things move, and are confused by how big something is (or isn’t)! And by the way… The image above is NOT animated.

    Continue Reading December 30, 2014

  • Knowing When It’s Time For New Frames

    Eyeglasses don’t age quite as well as wine and cheese. Wear-and-tear is guaranteed to take a toll on your frames. Vintage may be “in” right now, but know the signs that indicate it’s probably time to consider new frames.

    Continue Reading December 23, 2014

  • Your Healthy Vision Timeline: Ages 20–40

    Healthy sight is a must—regardless of our age. Early adulthood is a time when our attention is often focused on things other than eye health! As your lifelong vision care partner, we want to be sure you’re aware of things you can do to protect your sight during this important time of life.

    Continue Reading December 17, 2014

  • Your Healthy Vision Timeline: Ages 1–20

    Because an estimated 80% of school learning is accomplished through eyesight, having healthy vision is particularly important for children. Sadly, one out of every four school-aged children has undiagnosed vision problems.

    Continue Reading December 3, 2014